HIPAA Compliance Training for Healthcare Staff
HIPAA compliance training applies to virtually every organization in the healthcare industry which is creating, maintaining, sharing, and storing patient information. All entities and vendors are affected by new HIPAA privacy, security, and breach notification rules released on January 17, 2013.

HIPAA compliance training applies to virtually every organization in the healthcare industry which is creating, maintaining, sharing, and storing patient health information is affected by new HIPAA privacy, security, and breach notification rules released on January 17, 2013. This training requirements applies to all healthcare organisations and their business associates and it is stated in Administrative Requirement of the HIPAA Privacy Rule (45 CFR §164.530) and an Administrative Safeguard of the HIPAA Security Rule (45 CFR §164.308). HIPAA compliance training is key to successfully complying with the HIPAA requirement and to avoid breach and penalty. Employee training logs are part of HIPAA compliance audits. HIPAA further requires to train the employees as deemed necessary to maintain the integrity and security of the PHI data handled by the employees, along with the HIPAA privacy training.. Any new member addition to the team or functional role change for any existing member requires timely HIPAA training. Though the rule doesn’t specify the frequency of training, it is recommended annually. This web-based awareness training prepares healthcare organizations and business associates staff to comply with this mandatory requirement by Health and Human Services(HHS)..and helps maintain their employees training log current.
databracket’s HIPAA compliance training features
What You’ll Learn
- Overview of Updated HIPAA/HITECH Rule
- Protecting and Reporting of PHI
- Mobile Devices and Storage Media Guidelines
- Breach Response
- Unauthorized Users and Disclosures of PHI
- Your Responsibilities
What You’ll Get
- Certificate of Completion
- Employers portal to maintain training logs
- Unlimited Access to the Course for a Year
- Course Material in PDF Format
- Yearly E-mail Reminder to Complete the Mandatory Training Course
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databrackets certified privacy and security professionals can help your organization comply with the requirement in a most efficient and cost-effective way. Check out our HIPAA Compliance services to become compliant today.